
Crack, Snapple and Rock

About Me

Sport of Pain, Enterprise, Trinidad & Tobago
A blog about life, art, expression and things that I feel passionately about. These include, but are not limited to music, technology, speed, entertainment, gaming, design, chocolate...did i mention music?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

"A pulsating blast from the global jukebox." (The Observer)

To see the Oojami live, click here!
Oojami have already started booking for 2008!
Between 17th Of January and 3rd of February they are organising a small UK Tour. Around these dates Oojami will be available to play as a full band with 9 people or as a Sound System with 5 people!!!

Hot news; they have already recorded their next album for release before the summer!!!
London based, Turkish originated Oojami has released 3 albums over the last 6 years with the US label CIA run buy M.Copland who released bands such as The Police and REM.
In the last few years Oojami has played over 200 gigs in 16 different countries including US, UK and Canada tours. They have played and head lined many festivals and venues including Mano Mundo (Belgium), Ostrava (Checz Republic), Royal Albert Hall (UK), Glastonbury (UK).....
The last album 'Boom Shinga Ling' was released early this year(2007)and was listed in the The Observer Music Monthly as one of the best 10 albums of the month. Oojami songs have been on many compilations in many countries. Their music has appeared in some movies including Dirty Pretty Things in which French actress Audry Tatou dances to Oojami music. Their music has been a major contributor of the US based Belly Dancing Super Stars show, DVD and CDs.
Oojami is 9 piece band including 2 dancers!
Listen to Oojami @
Oojami CDs are available @


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In this area of my blog you will find videos of interest to me, and something called a "widget". The first widget is an amalgum of video rss feeds which I also find interesting. The other widget is primarily an Audio widget, even though there are a few vids to be had as well from time to time. You may scroll left or right on the menu at the top of the widgets to change the channel. The Audio widget has a "play/stop" control that you can use to, and stop the audio feed after you've chosen one. Feel free to leave me some love and any comments you may have. Enjoy!

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